Novel fireproof & eco-friendly rubber sole

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             The conventional rubber used for fireproof footwear contains halogen additives or compounds that are very resistant to the flame. However, during the combustion of these materials, environmental and health threatening halides are released. That is why the use of such materials is banned, except for certain critical applications (nuclear energy, aviation and military) or in other cases where the state of the art has not enabled the elimination of those compounds.

However, the CTCR and Cauchos Ruiz-Alejos have developed new fireproof and eco-friendly rubber soles. The newly developed rubber for fireproof soles is the first one in its category in achieving flame resistance without the use of halogen compounds or any other additive registered under REACH-restrictions as dangerous substances. The rubber sole contains new materials of low toxicity which are not harmful towards the environment. This new materials enable the replacement of hazardous compounds used for firefighter’s footwear and provides the necessary properties to fulfill the current restrictive regulation on firefighter’s footwear (UNE-EN 15090:2012). Moreover, the new sole has an environmental impact reduction of 74.2% and is free of carcinogens.