Augmented Reality

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Augmented Reality, AR, is the technology by which artificial or recreated images are superimposed over the video of a camera in real time.
AR enriches the visual experience that users have of reality, adding specific messages in the form of images or videos.

In order to place correctly the recreated images in the context, it is necessary to recognize in the original image a reference element such as a glyph.

Therefore, the CTCR has developed a new concept of glyphs based on QR codes. The information provided is sufficient to read:

• The code of the element to be shown
• Where it has to be placed
• How it has to be oriented

In relation to the glyph, the CTCR has created a new algorithm that estimates the position based on what is technically called POSIT. The algorithm is capable of processing each frame from a video source:
Locating the glyph within the frame.
Decoding the object code to be displayed.
Detecting the four coplanar corners of the glyph to position and orient the image to be recreated according to the context of the frame.
Generate and overlay the recreated image on the original frame.
Showing the result in the video output before the next frame from the video source.

Research is carried out in the CTCR in order to develop the best possible performance of this technology. This can also benefit:
Audiovisual content on printed materials
Virtual testers

The possibilities of AR are wide and the ICT Department of the CTCR has focused its application to involve the final consumer in certain actions of the footwear purchasing process. Beyond the mere game side of AR, the CTCR has hereby provided an application that reveals the value of AR to the business community.
The commercial uses can be multiple: for example, the AR could serve as a very practical way of seeing the product without having to open the box. Instead of having all the products displayed in the store, a simple code on the box could allow to explore the content and live the same experience as if you were watching the real shoe.

There are also other real case studies carried out by the CTCR, linked to geogamification or AR applied to games. In short, there are many applications of Augmented Reality for marketing, promotion and day to day use that the Footwear Technology Center of La Rioja considers very useful and valid to generate added value for any business.