It is the consultative and advisory organ to the Board of Directors at the CTCR. It is integrated with members of the Board of Directors, representatives from the state, economic and social sectors, but also technological and academic experts.
Economic and social representatives:
- Member of the Association of Employers of La Rioja
- President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of La Rioja
- General Director of the Federation of Spanish footwear industry (FICE)
- A trade union representative
Academic experts:
- Director of the Superior School of Art and Design of La Rioja
- A representative from I.E.S Virgen de Vico
- A representative from the Council of Education of the La Rioja Government
- A representative from the University of La Rioja
Technological Experts:
- General Director of Inescop
- A CDTI representative
State Representatives:
- Manager of the Department of Employment in the La Rioja Government
- Managing director at Ader
- Director of the Technical Department in Ader
- General director of Innovation