Wednesday, 22 February 2012 16:39


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The Footwear Technology Centre of La Rioja (CTCR) was constituted in 2006 with the aim of improving the competitiveness of the footwear sector companies in La Rioja, making multiple activities and services available to the footwear industrialists in La Rioja

That is to say, the objective of CTCR is to develop those scientific and technical activities that companies of the sector are not able to carry out individually but are vital to maintain and strengthen the footwear sector in our region.

  • R&D&I.
  • Training.Information and documentation.
  • Design and Prototyping.
  • Technology.
  • Fashion.Quality and environment.
  • Laboratory.

To unify the management and control of all these areas and conscious that the future of CTCR depends on the I+D+i, the quality of our services, the interaction with the environment and the responsibility of respecting and promoting the rights of the persons, the sustainable and ethical development and the safety and health so much of our workers, since of our clients and suppliers, there is implanted a System of Management of the I+D+i integrated with a System of Management of the Quality, the Environment and the Corporate social responsibility, according to the established in the Procedure IT JOINS 166002:2006, JOINS IN ISO 9001:2000, JOINS IN ISO 14001:2004 and the near check for Global Reporting Initiative of the RSC.

This commitment remains formed of the actions that later are detailed:

- To consider to be the quality of the developed services, close to the satisfaction of the Riojan companies of the Sector, indispensable, permanent and priority aims in this Center.

- To establish and to check anually a few aims for the Direction, which they take as a priority character the constant improvement of the efficiency of the system of management of I + D + i, the quality and of the environment and the attainment of the requirements established by our clients.

- To promote the activities of I + D + i in the areas of interest of the companies of the sector of the footwear and connected, to consolidate the CTCR as unit of investigation.

- To promote the activities of I + D + i in the areas of interest of the companies of the sector of the footwear and connected, to consolidate the CTCR as unit of investigation.

- To stimulate the cooperation with external entities to achieve a high level of knowledge, technological action and implication of new technologies in our services.

- To advise to the Riojan companies of the Sector of the Footwear in the area of quality, environment, technology, legislation and any other one that this one could demand.

- To promote and to promote the necessary formation in all the areas and to use it as axis of the constant improvement of the System.

- To favor and to motivate the participation of all the members of the insole, without any distinction of race, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion or of any other nature, to stimulate the suggestions of improvement of the areas of his competition.

- To expire with the legal and regulation requirements that are of application and any other measure signed by the CTCR, which is directed to the prevention of the pollution and improvement of our environment.

- To motivate and to form all the workers of the company of permanent form, so much internally like in the last technological innovations of the sector.

- To identify the opportunities of improvement, in the developed activity, correcting the non-conformities, with the final aim to optimize our work.

- To establish a methodology of protection and exploitation of the results obtained of the activities of I+D+i directed unequivocally to improving the competitiveness and situation on the market of the Riojan companies of the Sector of the Footwear.

- To guard the due confidentiality and secret of all the information entrusted to the CTCR, specially the information of personal character, which could be necessary for the normal development of the projects and services. Expiring faithfully with all the legal rules relative to the protection of the information of personal character (LOPD, LSSICE).

- To expire and to make expire with the document of the Safety direction for the one that is protected to the building, his goods, as well as the information from third parties under the figure of the contract of confidentiality.

- To guarantee the right to the freedom of thought, of conscience and of religion of every worker without some discrimination exists and adapting at all time the labor schedule to the needs of the group to be able to harmonize in a best possible way the personal life with the professional.

- To assure an identical salary, respecting the agreement of the Sector of the Footwear, with the function recovered of each of the workers and to enjoy a social safety and a few periodic full vacations.

This policy is continuously reviewed in order to adapt it to possible changes inside or outside CTCR and will be notified and explained to all CTCR members, internal or external, and kept available to general public.

M. Javier Oñate Domínguez
Managing Director at CTCR

Read 9748 times Last modified on Thursday, 23 February 2012 09:18
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