CTCR attends the Brokerage Event Horizon2020 to learn about advances in nanotechnology and new materials

eu brockeragevent nano17

            The Footwear Technology Center of La Rioja, CTCR, participated last 4th of April in the event Horizon 2020 Brokerage Event - Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials, which took place in the British town of Cambridge. During the day, dedicated to innovative materials and nanotechnology and organized by members of the Enterprise Europe Network, several conferences were held to show, among other things, the close collaboration in nanotechnology between the UK and the Netherlands, as well as the British capabilities in this area. In addition, other experts provided an overview of the increasing economic and technological importance of nanotechnology and new materials, their applications and success cases.

Likewise, business meetings were held in order to establish possible meeting points between universities, technological centres and innovative companies that allow the birth of new research projects. The main subsectors represented were those oriented to the improvement of properties of different materials and nanoelectronics, both with application in many different sectors such as footwear and textiles, coatings, medicine, environment, etc.