The CTCR joins present and future of the digital technological innovation through the VI eSHOE Conference


                 "In the next few minutes we will see how, through the customization of our digital marketing campaigns and emails, we can convert users into clients in 3 minutes, the average time that a user browses a web. Time you have to attract his attention and redirect him to the purchase”. With these words, Teresa Sánchez-Herrero, head of Marketing at Retail Rocket, opened the VI edition of the eShoe Conference, organised by the Footwear Technology Center of La Rioja, CTCR, that attracted more than sixty entrepreneurs from the fashion and footwear sector on Wednesday June 21st. This was the first of the speeches of an extensive program that was announced during the inauguration by Basilio García, president of the Association of Footwear and Related Industries of La Rioja, Aiccor, and CTCR, who confirmed that "All the footwear companies from La Rioja use the online commerce, from diverse platforms or from own stores ".

"Everyone knows that this is changing and they have to evolve and join in. Even so, we are at the top of the iceberg and we must continue to improve in the know-how on selling and replenishing, because there is a lot of technology that also affects the operability of companies" continued Basilio García, before giving the floor to the General Director of Innovation, Industry and Commerce, Julio Herreros, who raised the next challenge of knowing how digital natives will act in the purchases.

Since the CTCR's conference room has been converted in one of the three venues of the exhibition La Rioja Tierra Abierta, the Hotel Victoria hosted the four sessions and the round table that composed the programme of the VI eShoe Conference, where the speakers insisted on the need to conceive that the customer now has the stores on his phone, tablet or any technological last-generation device and, therefore, it is necessary to take very into account the behaviour of the user and to take advantage of it to attract his attention in a totally personalised way.

Likewise, to explain how the future store is and will be, the Commercial Manager of Kendu, Diego Roucour, analysed the evolution of the business from the solutions of online communication. In this transformation, the recommendation to footwear companies is to equip themselves with technologies that improve the user experience, make the online stores more interesting or help the stores to have more user traffic. In this field, they are especially important all the advances related to RFID, virtual screens, video mapping in stores... in short everything related to the retail environment: visual communication solutions or accommodation of the points of sale to the new shopper, 3D retail architecture...

Later, Antonio Gutiérrez and Raúl de la Cruz-Linacero, from Redbility, discussed the 'Risk Factors for an eRetailer' regarding that we must be more careful in dealing with the virality of online opinions and, the professor of the University Carlos III (Madrid) and member of MarketinGroup, Julio Cerviño, confirmed the keys for the branding of the future. "The brand is the memory and the future of products and, in a world in which everything is changing is one of the few elements of stability." In fact, a notorious and correctly positioned brand generates much higher margins. There are many similar products in the world of fashion and, in many cases, people buy induced by the brand more than by the product itself.

Finally, a moderated round table was organised by Pilar Riaño, Manager of, which was attended by Basilio García, President of Aiccor and CTCR, Gerd Loewen, CEO of LOSAN, Daniel Lobato, Head of Digital Business of Unode50, Enrique Bretos, Co-founder & CEO of Pisamonas and Eduardo Berrocal, CEO of Runnics. The fashion in the digital environment, technological innovation and future trends in the sector was the central theme, and specifically, some of the questions that were launched as a debate were: the word innovation, is not very used? What is really innovation in fashion? Fashion companies create new collections at least every six months, is that innovation? What other ways do fashion companies have to innovate today (processes, marketing, communication, point of sale)?


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