CTCR shows the protection of technological innovation as a mean to create value at a business level

firma convenio herrero

With the aim of promoting and empowering the sector that represents through different agreements with multiple organizations, the Technological Center will offer the footwear sector, in this case, several benefits or discounts, as well as the possibility to take part in consultations and training workshops as a mean to ensure the protection of their research progresses.

               The Footwear Technology Center of La Rioja, CTCR, and the law firm Herrero & Asociados have signed a collaboration agreement to offer key and added-value services to the associated companies in the area of industrial and intellectual property: management and proceeding for patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial secrets, designs, domain names, technology transfer contracts, license contracts, intangible asset valuations, Digital Law issues (webpages, e-commerce…). And, in the current competitive environment, the safest way to get advantages for the companies is to boost their R&D&I progress, obtaining intangible assets that differentiate them and, of course, protecting them according to the different modalities provided by the legal system. This usually appears as a complex path that can lead to counterfeits that hinder natural commerce and end up in illegal traffic or even persecution derived from this type of illicit activities.

For this reason and thanks to this agreement, the CTCR extends the services provided so far, not only in support of innovation or the knowledge generated in companies or even in the Technology Center itself, but also in relation to counselling applied to the jurisprudence linked to the Internet and to the protection of the corporate image. The expertise of Herrero & Asociados will allow companies associated to the CTCR to fulfil with the complex legal regulations in this regard and even operate, if necessary, with the customs authorities to prevent the importation of counterfeit goods.

And, if it is necessary the exhaustive control of all internationalization activity, the control of online commerce is also essential. The strict and changing Spanish regulation on commercial and promotional actions through webpages makes it necessary to pay special attention to all legal aspects, from online advertising to protection of personal data of clients and friends, through several aspects of electronic commerce such as the use of cookies, precise drafting of legal notices to avoid claims, and the domain names.
Thus, the CTCR, aware of all these challenges, will act as a unique channel of communication between companies in the footwear sector and Herrero & Asociados, once they request interest and advice in this regard.