First “recycled footsteps” from industrial and household wastes

prototipo pisadas recicladas prototipo pisadas recicladas2 prototipo pisadas recicladas3

The R&D&I project has enable the reutilization of high-quality waste materials suitable for the design of other products and with gran potential to generate a new business line with less environmental footprint, avoiding the consumption of raw materials and giving a new life to these out-of-service materials

The project PISADAS RECICLADAS (Recycled Footsteps) ends successfully, with the participation of the Footwear Technology Center of La Rioja (CTCR) during the whole research process, culminating with the design of the first footwear prototypes by the fashion company Kameleonik as a previous phase before the introduction of a new collection in the market. The distinctive feature of this line is the environment-friendly nature, due to the use of non-dangerous waste for its development, both industrial and household, which were intended for landfills or energy recovery.

The merit of this initiative will allow to address in the mid-term the production of 100% recycled footwear in the Basque Country, thanks also to the public support of Ihobe and the fundamental collaboration of Zicla, company specialised in the innovation of recycled products. The environmental results, according to the LifeCycle Assesment (LCA), confirms this positive aspect as an added value in a market where the confidence in the mark is essential.

Thus, the final results are:
• The creation of three different footwear prototypes from 9 sources of industrial and household non-dangerous wastes, proceeding most of them from Basque companies of the automotive sector that are environmental benchmarks.
• The demonstration of the technical feasibility that validates the possibility to make the three proposed prototypes.
• The confirmation of the economic viability, according to a cost evaluation and considering the raw materials and the estimated prices of the regular processes for the footwear production.
• The demonstration of the environmental viability through a LifeCycle Assessment that allowed to check that the three prototypes are environmental viable with results that, depending on the prototype, vary significantly between 18% and 90% of environmental impact reduction following LCA criteria.