The CTCR presents its novelties related to additive manufacturing at the CTME of Miranda de Ebro

nacho en ctme new

The CTME (Fundación Centro Tecnológico de Miranda de Ebro) organised on November 29th the workshop titled “Additive manufacturing technologies” in which CTCR took part as a speaker to disseminate the advances obtained in this area and, particularly, present its case of success “Personalised insoles through 3D printing”, a projects focused on the development of a new software for the design and production of a novel range of personalised insoles that optimally fits to the user’s footwear and balances his plantar pressures with its sole arc shape.

The result is achieved by means of an automated process that will generate the insoles at the Callaghan shops through 3D printers. The event, that lasted the whole day, let make known the novelties in this field, showing the advantages and possibilities to boost the development of SMEs in diverse productive sectors.