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Supporting individuals (trainees) in acquiring and developing basic skills and digital key competences, in order to foster employability and socio-educational and personal development to make them more capable to face the challenges of industry 4.0, is the main impact that we expect to have in the participants that will enter in the training actions of the project.

Create links and develop partnerships between learning institutions, SMEs and intermediary bodies, with a view to promote lifelong learning and to improve the quality and effectiveness of learning at work. If we manage to prove that this project is a good experience for learns to effective be more prepare for industry 4.0 we will open a new path for other innovative training contents to be used by SMEs and their workers, not only in the footwear industry but in many other industries.

Promotion and assess to new training approaches that might reduce disparities to work with digital technologies in particular giving attention to the gender differences in relation to ICT usage.


The outputs foreseen are the following:

-Analysis of the current integration of the Industry 4.0 in the Footwear sector, the study of the current and future footwear workforce and the match with the footwear professional profiles, in Portugal, Spain Italy and Poland, It consists in a report in English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Polish with the analysis of the Industry 4.0 applied to the footwear industry in Europe and the characterization and the current footwear profiles.
-A unique training tool kit - FEET IN 4.0 Training Tool Kit - about the key digital competences that will act as a first approach to support workers and companies to a future digital footwear sector;
-A specialized content in the form of innovative learning materials (virtual and augmented reality simulating future daily operation) which could be used by trainers and trainees in the working environment;
-A specialized content to support companies in the implementation and monitoring of their digital strategies;
-A specialized content that can support info excluded workers in the transition to a new era of information and communication technologies applied in the factory ground floor.


  Centro Tencológico del Calzado de La Rioja, CTCR, Europrofis (CZ), Edit Value (PT, coordinador), CTCP (PT), Politécnico Calzaturiero (IT), IPS (PL).


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